About Manchester

College of Education & Social Sciences

Learning Outcomes

Communication Studies

  • Students will demonstrate mastery of theory by applying relevant communication theories to internship experiences in 6 graded e-journals and an 8-11 page internship analysis paper.
  • Students will demonstrate communication competence in the workplace by creating 1-3 audience-appropriate messages for the internship supervisor in a graded portfolio.
  • Students will demonstrate professional speaking skills by applying relevant communication theories to internship experiences in a 15 minute presentation to communication studies faculty.


The mission of the Department of Economics at Manchester University is to create a learning environment to prepare students to become professionals and citizens capable of critical thinking and independent analysis. While providing a firm foundation in economic theory, we also place a great emphasis on developing skills, such as critical thinking, that transfer across disciplines and enhance the marketability of our students. Our students are prepared to be successful in graduate school, the private sector, the nonprofit sector, or in a variety of government jobs. Given the rapid changes occurring in our economy, our primary goal is to help the student develop skills that will allow them to successfully adapt to these changes. 

Learning Goals: Graduates of our program should be able to:

  1. access and properly evaluate economic knowledge by retrieving, assembling, and organizing information contained in economic and related academic literature
  2. apply economic reasoning correctly to assess and understand the behavior of economic actors (individuals, firms, and government agencies) in a variety of contexts and to evaluate the impact of incentives and alternative policy proposals on that behavior
  3. use theoretical models and mathematical tools effectively to represent and analyze social and economic issues or conduct economic research
  4. use data and statistical software effectively to represent economic trends and relationships and to conduct economic research
  5. present economic research and discuss economic concepts in a clear and concise manner in both written and oral formats that are consistent with standards in the economics discipline


The mission statement of the Manchester University Department of Education is to bridge theory and practice, preparing students for professional careers that promote individual well-being, community engagement, and social justice.

Learning Goals: Graduates of our program will

  1. bridge theory and practice by applying their knowledge and skills in semester long internships or student teaching placements
  2. assess learning and development or the effectiveness of organizational programs designed for children, adolescents, and/or adults
  3. establish professional and reciprocal relationships with others invested in the emotional, physical, and cognitive well-being of others with whom they work
  4. create positive and caring environments for the development and academic progress of children, adolescents, and/or adults
  5. reflect on their role in the field of education as a means for bringing about social justice


The mission of the history program is to enable students to develop an understanding of historical causation and give them the ability to use a variety of analytical categories such as race, class, and gender in explicating and interpreting the past.  The program’s courses emphasize the interrelations of culture, social structure, economic conditions, and political institutions as they cover the ancient to the modern world for both Western and non-Western civilizations.  Students are trained to understand fundamental historical events and trends and to develop skills in analysis and original research.  It prepares students for graduate or professional studies in a number of fields, as well as for careers in many areas, including education, government, law and business.

Learning Goals:  Students who graduate with a major in History will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate critical reading, thinking, and analytical capabilities
  2. Describe historical events from a broad range of historical periods and cultures
  3. Seek out and analyze data and cogently organize evidence to support particular conclusions
  4. Formulate and defend a thesis dealing with a specific historical topic in such a way as to demonstrate their grasp of historical causation and critical evaluation of primary source evidence.

Political Science

The mission of the Political Science program at Manchester University is to enable students to comprehend political phenomena across a wide range of contexts. Emphasizing active learning and critical thinking, it exposes students to the assumptions, discourse, methods, and analyses of political science. The program’s courses, projects, and activities aim at promoting civic education, international awareness, and career preparation. Students who graduate with a major in Political Science will be prepared for active citizenship; for professional careers in government, international affairs, non-governmental organizations, business, or journalism; and for postgraduate studies in law, public administration, political science, and other fields.

Learning Goals: Graduates of our program should be able to:

  1. Think, reason, and draw conclusions based on political scientific theories, empirical evidence, and normative reasoning.
  2. Use the discipline’s concepts and methods in understanding, discussing, researching, and analyzing political life.
  3. Explain human behavior by focusing on people's preferences, resources, interests, and values; institutional rules and norms; and socio-economic conditions.
  4. Demonstrate strong skills in oral and written communication, persuasive argumentation, and collective decision making. 


The Psychology Department uses experiential learning to educate students in the core theories of psychology, research methods, and statistical techniques to enable them to think critically about behavior, lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives, and pursue graduate study, work, and service.

Student Learning Goals for the Psychology Major:

  1. General Knowledge of Psychology – Demonstrate knowledge in the six major areas of psychology as evidenced by scores on the Major Field Test in Psychology in each of the following areas: memory & thinking, sensory & physiology, developmental, clinical & abnormal, social, measurement & methodology:
  2. Acquire knowledge of psychological theories and research through course offerings in the psychology major
  3. Critical Thinking – Think, reason, and draw conclusions after weighing evidence. As a result of courses in Statistics and Research I, II, and III, students will be able to:
  4. Evaluate research
  5. Conduct and present research demonstrating effective use of the scientific method
  6. Present research at regional and national research conferences and professional meetings
  7. As a result of courses in Behavioral Disorders and Social Psychology, students will be able to: Diagnose cases of mental disorders; Examine social problems through multiple lenses
  8. Service-Learning – Participate in service activities that connect psychological concepts to community needs. As a result of completing Introduction to Psychology students will:  Participate in service-learning projects in the community and integrate their community experience with psychological theory and principles.
  9. Cross-Cultural/Social – As a result of completing the following travel courses students will be able to analyze the cultural systems that impact different human groups:  Cultural and Social Psychology in France and Hawaii
  10. Oral, written, and professional communications - Students completing the psychology major will demonstrate oral, written, and professional communication through: Oral presentations in 100% of psychology courses; Written assignments in 100% of psychology courses; Practicum experience in a professional setting; Development of a vita/resume and personal statement/cover letter or graduate school or job application

Social Work


The Manchester University Social Work Program, a baccalaureate degree program accredited by CSWE, graduates generalist social work professionals of ability and conviction who respect the infinite worth of every individual. Graduates of the program improve the human condition by applying social work knowledge, values, and skills to enhance the well-being of all people, especially those who are vulnerable, oppressed, or living in poverty; to alleviate poverty and oppression; and to promote social, economic, and environmental justice and peace.

Program Goals:

The program’s primary goal is to prepare students for beginning generalist baccalaureate social work practice.

A secondary goal is to prepare students to enter and successfully complete graduate level social work education programs.

Program Competencies:

The Social Work Program curriculum supports student achievement of nine competencies, which together represent the knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive/affective processes necessary for successful professional generalist social work practice. In keeping with the program’s mission, goals, and CSWE accreditation standards, graduates of the Manchester University Social Work Program achieve the following competencies:

  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
  2. Engage difference in practice
  3. Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice
  4. Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice
  5. Engage in policy practice
  6. Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  7. Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  8. Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  9. Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities



Broad goals for the criminology major include preparing students to work in a variety of positions in criminology, or to attend graduate school in criminology or criminology.  Students studying criminology at Manchester usually have one of five career goals:

  1. Attend law school.  There is not one prescribed pre-law curriculum, and criminology is one path to follow, especially if the student hopes to focus on criminal law.
  2. Practice law enforcement.  Many MU alumni are working in local, state, or Federal policing agencies
  3. Work in probation, parole, or other community-based correctional programs,
  4. Serve in correctional facilities for children and youth or adults, such as jails at the local level, or prisons at the state or Federal level, or
  5. Attend graduate school in criminology or criminology

Competencies of CJ Graduates: Knowledge and skills of criminology majors include:

  1. Beginning understanding of criminological theory
  2. Understanding of the adult and youth justice systems in the United States
  3. Beginning knowledge of substantive and procedural criminal law which applies to adults and to youth, focusing on Indiana and the United States
  4. Understanding of US and global legal authority and structure, from a sociological perspective
  5. Awareness of the law as an evolving organism, which both influences, and is influenced by, socioeconomic and demographic realities, as an impediment or a catalyst for societal change
  6. Celebration of humanity.
  7. Practical experience in one or more parts of the criminology ‘system’.


Sociology Learning Objectives:  A Manchester University student graduating with a major in sociology will be able to study, understand, discuss, and apply the following:

  1. The discipline of sociology
    • explain how it differs from and is similar to the other social sciences
    • discuss the contributions of sociology to a liberal arts education
    • apply the sociological imagination to her/his own life
  2. The role of theory
    • define theory and explain its role in building sociological knowledge
    • compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations
    • show how theories reflect the historical and cultural contexts in which they were developed
    • describe and apply some basic theories and/or theoretical orientations to at least one aspect of society
  3. The role of evidence and qualitative and quantitative methods in sociology
    • identify major methodological approaches and explain the role of methods in building sociological knowledge
    • compare and contrast the basic methodological approaches for gathering and analyzing data
    • design a research study in a chosen area and explain why various decisions were made
    • critically assess a published report and suggest how the study might have been improved
  4. Basic concepts in sociology
    • define, give examples, and demonstrate the relevance of these basic concepts: culture, social structure, social institution, status and role, socialization, deviance and social control, social stratification, social change
  5. The relationships between individuals and society
    • explain sociologically the development of the self and how social factors influence individual behaviors, attitudes and values
    • explain how individuals, groups and organizations influence society
    • distinguish sociological approaches to understanding the self from psychological, economic, and other approaches
  6. The differences of American society and other societies
    • describe and explain the significance of variations by race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation
    • describe and explain the dynamics of prejudice, discrimination, oppression, and inequality based on race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation
    • discuss the social, economic, political, and moral importance of reducing the negative effects of social inequalities
    • compare and contrast social and cultural patterns in the U.S. and other societies
  7. One or more areas of study in sociology, in depth
    • summarize basic questions and issues in the area(s)
    • compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations as applied to the area(s)
    • summarize current research in the area(s)
    • suggest policy implications of research and theory in the area(s)